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We are the experts in pest control

We are a professionally run pest management organization who has been in this industry for the last 20+ years. With honesty and customer satisfaction as our foundation stones, providing a pest free hoke to our customers has always been the goal of this organization.

Fulfilling that goal we provide services ranging from eliminating cockrocahes to termites to rodents to even bed bug, woodborer and ants from your premises may it is residential or even commercial. With the latest techniques of gel treatments and usage of odourless chemicals we provide our customer with easy, convenient and hassle free treatments.

Why Choose Yadav Pest Control

What makes us stand apart is that we do not practise just what we have learned and experienced in the past but rather employ what we lean in on-going refresher courses as well, as due to the nature of pests they evolve and become resilient to pesticides and treatment methods hence we understand and believe that our methods and practices should so too evolve so that we stay ahead of the pests and Our competitors by also keeping you abreast with the latest trends in Integrated pest management techniques.

One-time Extermination

One time Service is for Checking performance, Chemical quantity Knowledge.

Annual Maintenance

In an Annual Year 3 service is provided with guarranty .Free From Insects permanent.

Full Service Pest Removal

We provide all kinds of pest control services at very affordable costs.

Customer Satisfaction
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Year Experience
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Passionate Employee
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